Specialist Buildings
Services include specific acoustic design for specialist industrial, commercial or public sector building development, where noise and vibration flow and control is of paramount importance.
AAD assignments include the following:
- Rolls-Royce Plc 57 Bed - 137,000 lb fwd/rev thrust test cell, Derby
- Rolls-Royce Plc, 9 bed - geo-acoustic modelling for contractors submittals
- General Electric GEAES large engine test bed study for contractors submittals
- Saab Aerospace, Turbo-prop test cell, concept design
- Medium Support Helicopter ATS, RAF Benson
- Ford Motor Company, Dunton 8 roll mileage accumulation facility
- Ford Motor Company, Dunton 20 roll mileage accumulation facility feasibility study
- Ford Motor Company, Dunton powertrain test facility semi-anechoic chamber
- Ford Motor Company, Dunton NVH semi anechoic 4x4 test cell
- Ford Motor Company, Dunton vibration fatigue laboratory
- Ford Motor Company, Dunton EIA for Research & Engineering site
- Ford Motor Company, Dunton 5 axis design-milling facility
- Ford Motor Company, Dunton OBD environmental assessment
- Ford Motor Company, Dunton Climatic Environmental Test Laboratory
- Jaguar Cars Ltd, Coventry mileage accumulation facility
- IDC Stratford mileage accumulation strategy for Rover Group, Gaydon
- Rover Group, environmental impact assessment, 'Project Anglesey', Gaydon
- Rover Group, Gaydon, Group Design & Engineering Centre, new headquarters
- Rover Group, Gaydon drive-by semi-anechoic chamber
- Rover Group, Electro Hydraulic SSA rigs, Canley, Solihull, Gaydon
- Arvin Exhaust Systems, UK vehicle semi-anechoic chamber
- Calsonic Exhaust Systems, UK vehicle semi-anechoic chamber & engine cells
- Ilmor racing engines - undisclosed test facility design
- Cosworth racing engines - undisclosed test facility design
- 80 MW Gas Turbine plant feasibility study, power generation, central London
- Peel Power Station, feasibility study, Isle of Man
- Western Morning News new Headquarters & Printery, Plymouth
- Southampton Newspapers Plc, new printery and headquarters building
- ICI Alderley Park, research building
- Godolphin and Latymer School, music practice facility
- Surrey County Council, Woking Magistrates Courts
- Bulford Military Courts complex, Salisbury Plain
- Police/HM Customs & Excise PACE taped interview rooms
£10m Silent Wind Tunnel for ING Renault F1 Team
First Permanently Sited Military Courtroom Complex